Becoming a Tutor

We have a simple, zoom-based training program to make sure that you learn all of the skills required to tutor in our unique, in-home system. The training program is 8 hours long, over 4 evenings. Once you sign up for the training and pay the fee, we will contact you by email to set up your training dates.

If you are a certified teacher in your skill, you need only to watch our training video, which we will send to you. If you are not a certified teacher, you will be asked to sign up for our Tutor Training Program before your profile will be considered complete. Once your profile is complete, you can start selecting and matching with Hosts and booking your tickets!

The best way to travel the world on a budget is to get your accommodation for free. Tutor & Travel let’s you stay with amazing host families all over the world, for free, in exchange for helping them practice a skill you already possess. In addition to free accommodation, you also get free airport/train pickup, free breakfast daily, exciting free activities to do in the host cities and more.

In addition to free accommodation, you also get free airport/train pickup, free breakfast daily, exciting free activities to do in the host cities and more.

With Tutor&Travel, it’s as easy as completing your profile and paying for our 6-month membership fee. While an active member, you have unlimited access to our pool of global host families, and can do as many stays as you wish.

If you’re actively on a trip with us, your membership will automatically renew. If you are not, you will be notified and have the option to continue with us or not. All returning members will benefit from a 10% discount on the 6-month price.

There’s a lot of competition out there. It’s true. Feel free to read our post here on how to make your profile more appealing to Host families. If that doesn’t work, you can contact us for help.

Listings and Profiles

Simply click on the upload button on the page requesting the particular document and your browser should automatically allow you to upload from your computer. You can upload PDF, JPG, PNG, and RTF documents.

Please contact us at if your not able to upload your documents due to a system error.

Verified Tutors and Hosts can see each other’s public profiles. This means that they can see your general information only. They see that you have uploaded all of the required documents and verified your phone and email. They cannot, however, see that information itself. Only the admin system at Tutor&Travel / Host&Learn can see your uploaded documents and your email/phone number. Once you have confirmed a stay, both parties, (Host and Tutor) are given each other’s email address so they can get in contact prior to the trip.

No. Verified Tutors and Hosts can see each other’s public profiles. This means that they can see your general information only. They see that you have uploaded all of the required documents and verified your phone and email. They cannot, however, see that information itself. Only the admin system at Tutor&Travel / Host&Learn can see your uploaded documents and your email/phone number. Once you have confirmed a stay, both parties, (Host and Tutor) are given each other’s email address so they can get in contact prior to the trip.

Make sure your photos are welcoming and bright. Consider adding pictures of your family, if you wish, and more details about what you need from your tutor. The more information you can add, the more likely someone will match with you. Feel free to read our Host family blog post here for some ideas. If you’re still having issues getting a Tutor, please contact us for help.

This one varies on a country basis. In some countries, a web-based system exists wherein you login with your national ID information and can simply download your background check. In other countries, you have to enter your local authorities page and request one.

To delete your profile, please email us at and we will be happy to delete it for you. You will not, however, be able to repent any paid membership fees or stay costs as a host.

Unfortunately, we cannot pause memberships because they are connected to our insurance provider as well. We can, however, stop the auto-renewal of your membership after it expires. As for profiles, as a Host, your profile is not ever viable to anyone unless you have an active listing. As a Tutor, your profile is always visible to active hosts unless you delete it.

Safety and Security

For your security, we have placed an “I’m safe” button in the password-protected profiles of all Tutors that must be clicked on within the first 24 hours after arrival. If it’s not clicked on, we will active our protocols to get in touch with you and ensure your safety. This is of course, in addition to the background checks, identity, email and phone verifications we do. Traveling the world is never totally safe but doing it with us at least has measures in place to keep you safer than you would be without them.

For Tutors that do not have their own global health insurance, we advise checking out one of our partners to obtain cover. The insurance can cover anything you choose, from accidental health issues and hospitalizations, trip interruptions and accidents. Please head over to our Safety page to see the links for our partner insurers.

In our experience, the safest cities are the ones where you have a plan, and help. That's the beauty of Tutor&Travel. We keep you as safe as possible by ensuring every participant is vetted, that you're picked up from the airport, delivered to a safe home, with a reliable family, and then we have our "safe" button in your profile to ensure you are safe and comfortable.

Our Cities

For us, it seems to be Istanbul, Seoul and Barcelona for English language tutors, London, Istanbul and Berlin for Arabic and Spanish tutors and for French tutors, it seems like Milan is very popular. That being said, there are always tutors needed in all subjects in all countries.


Once you have a confirmed stay, on your profile page you will see a confirmation page with all of your stay details. This is also where you will input your travel information once bookings are made. On this page, you will find the email address of your Host family. They also will now see the email you provided. Feel free to reach out and say hello. If at any time you have a problem with any of the preceding communication, please let us know by contacting us at .

Once you have a confirmed tutor, on your profile page you will see a confirmation page wherein you can find the tutor’s travel details once they book. On this page, you will also see the email address they provided, and they can now see yours as well. Feel free to reach out and say hello! If at any time you have a problem with any of the preceding communication, please let us know by contacting us at .

Our support team is always available to assist you. If you have any issues, please contact us via .

My Stays

Our support team is always available to assist you. If anything happens that you feel we need to know about, or that makes you want to leave, please immediately contact us at . Similarly, you have to click the "I'm safe and with the family" button on your profile within the first 24 hours of your stay... if you do not click this, we will assume there is a problem and get in contact with you.

In this case, please contact us using the form on our contact page, and select “changes to stay” so we can assist you. Do not reach out directly to the tutor/host family. You do risk having your whole stay cancelled, so please plan accordingly prior to accepting and confirming.

Of course. Please contact us using the form on our contact page, and select “changes to stay” so we can assist you. This may affect your rating, as the Host side may rate you down, but of course you can cancel if you need to.

You must get permission from your Host family to post any pictures online that contain them, their family or their home. You may not post any private information, or give anyone details about the home or area.